Are you looking for Warren County, Missouri arrest records and warrants? If you answered that question with a yes, you would be happy to know that many government and private agencies can help you in your warrant search. In fact, there are also online options that can be used to find information on active warrants issued in the area.
Offline sources of information on Warren County arrest warrants
Before you start your inquiry, you should know that outstanding warrants are simple active arrest orders that have been left pending in the police system because they could not be executed for one or another reason. This means that they have the same powers as a freshly issued warrant.
You can find information on outstanding warrants from Warren County and the rest of the nation to that matter from the internet. At the top of this page, you will see a form. This can be used to access a private repository of arrest records.
Initiating an offline warrant search in Warren County
Getting your hands on active warrants related information through offline sources may not be as simple as browsing the internet for these records. However, your warrant search through state agencies can bring back additional tidbits of information that may come in handy when profiling a person.
For instance, you could get a list of Warren’s most wanted from the sheriff’s office and civil records from the office of the county clerk while the magistrate’s court will be able to divulge details on other legal provisions issued against the subject like bench warrants et al. To get in touch with these agencies, drive down to:
- The sheriff’s department: 104 West Main Street, Suite A, Warrenton, Missouri 63383
- The magistrate’s court: 104 W Main St, Warrenton, MO 63383
- The county clerk’s office: As given above
Can you get information on recent arrests and active warrants from Warren County over the phone? (2021-data)
- 636-456-7088 -Call for information about recent arrests.
- 636-456-4322 -Call for arrest records and incident/accident report
- 636-456-3363 -Call for initiating a search for judicial records
- 636-456-7024- Call for seeking victim-witness services.
Crime Statistics of Warren County
In 2019, the Warren County Police filed 217 criminal cases, including 176 crimes against property and 41 crimes against persons.
Of the property crimes, 106 were larceny thefts, 45 were burglaries, and 25 were motor vehicle thefts. Of the violent crimes 33 were aggravated assaults, 6 were rapes and 2 were robberies.
Almost 670 criminal complaints are filed with warren County, MO police each year, and of these reported cases, almost 60 are violent crimes. While this crime category does not seem to pose concern at an initial glance, the fact that incident rates have grown by almost 100% over the 9 years between 2001 and 2009 has put most residents on their guard.